Why “DOCERE” ?
In searching for a name that would convey our message, we looked to the origins of medicine, attempting to define the heart of medicine, before it was affected by the healthcare industry. In gazing back at the core of what founded the principles of medicine and the virtues of “old time” physicians, we came across the word that clarifies our mission.
“Docere” which is the Latin origin of the word “doctor” appropriately means “to teach.” Even the earliest physicians understood that education and prevention were the foundation of health and wellness. What could be more appropriate for a practice that is attempting to go back and deliver the original style of medicine than to name itself after the origin of the word “doctor.”
Docere Physicians, and Dr. Viscomi are proud to be the first Concierge family medical practice in the greater Cleveland area.
The Benefits of the Docere Physician Difference include:
Appointments and other phone concerns handled without delay or prolonged hold times.
A minimum of thirty minutes for each appointment to ensure a thoughtful and complete healthcare visit every time.
Our staff will be your assistant, working with your schedule to accommodate your medical concerns.
Reception area will be comfortable and private.
Same day visits for illnesses and access within one business day for other concerns.
Preventative health intervention will be given at each visit. Your physical will no longer be limited to basic insurance standards but guided by your physicians’ assessment of your individual needs.
After hours availability of your physician will be offered though his personal phone number for immediate availability for emergencies.
Patient Portal access for non-urgent questions, refill requests, or to securely view your information.